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Writer's pictureStefanie Kathleen

Sunday Funday

Updated: Mar 22, 2020

Hope you all had a wonderful 4th of July! We got a late start today thanks to a very late night watching fireworks. But Ryder loved it! Staying up past bedtime is a rare occurrence for him and I think he enjoyed hanging with the “big kids”. 

This outfit is so simple and easy. This dress is a go-to for me lately! It’s not maternity, which I usually don’t gravitate towards, especially at this point in pregnancy. But it’s so comfy and it’s long enough that I don’t feel like I have to tug at it to stay in place and cover what it needs to cover! I’ve also been loving tying thin sweaters or button ups around my waist (hmm… I guess that isn’t my “waist”, is it?! HA!) lately. I love this style and having the option to throw this on if I get chilly in the evenings. But who am I kidding? I’m rarely “chilly” these days! 😀 

I love this necklace I got it ages ago from Stella and Dot. I feel like it’s so casual and goes with everything! Same goes for these glasses. I have a love affair with aviators and these always match no matter what I’m wearing. 

And this tote… I love it! It’s reversible, so you get two bags in one, which I love. I have this bag in two colors and grab them all the time when I don’t need everything in my diaper bag or I am running errands without Ryder. 

I was checking out at Target today and the woman helping me took one look at me and said “WOAH!! Are you past your due date?! You look like you’re about to pop!” Ummm… No! I am not past my due date, but THANKS for that boost of confidence! LOL She went on and on about how I must be sooo uncomfortable and I’m probably “gonna get a LOT bigger” because you gain “SO much more in the last month”. Ugh, really?! HUSH IT, lady! Aside from the heat, I actually feel pretty good. I’ve been able to get decent sleep most nights and try to stay in the A/C when possible. My biggest struggle is keeping up with my Ryder man. He’s a busy-body and he’s heavy! So carrying him around is hard on my body. But I actually feel pretty good for the most part. 

My emotions have been all over the place this pregnancy. A lot of the time I felt like “OMG, this is never going to end!” But now that I am so close to the end, I’m getting kinda sad that it’s going to be over before we know it. I really do love being pregnant (even though some parts of it SUUUUCK) and I think there is no cuter accessory than a baby bump. I LOVE feeling her move in there and I think pregnancy is the coolest thing ever. I also love bitty babies and can’t wait to snuggle my little girl. Ohhhh, the baby snuggles. Is there anything better?! 

I got a mani/pedi this afternoon and the lady next to me had a 6 month old sitting in her lap while she got her pedi. This squishy little boy was so adorable! He was so giggly and snuggly and it took everything in me to not BEG this woman to let me hold and cuddle her baby haha! He was so cute and OMG I just looooove babies. I never asked to hold him. Instead I just sat there for about 45 minutes starring at him and smiling like an idiot. I think I was kinda creeping her out but I seriously couldn’t look away. LOL I can’t wait to meet this baby girl and just the thought of smelling her sweet baby skin, kissing her chubby cheeks and dressing her in cute pink clothes makes me smile like a fool. Less than a month left! Yahooo!

Dress // Plaid button up is old, but similar here

Similar MK aviators here

Tory Burch Flip Flops

Similar Stella and Dot Necklace HERE


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