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Blakely Gray – 1 Day Old

Our sweet little angel baby is here! Blakely Gray was born July 30th at 7:33am – 8 lbs 3 oz – 20 inches long. 

We have had family in town helping us adjust to our new bundle of love. My OCD self can’t handle the thought of posting things out of order! I still haven’t even written about Ryder turning two, his birthday party, etc. But then I realized no one gives a flip (except me). LOL And, if I don’t just jump back on the blogging bandwagon because things are “out of order” I may never write on here again! Ha! So bear with me while my blogs are random, short and completely out of order for a while. 

I’ll write about Blakely’s birth story in the near (hopefully) future. But for now, here are some pictures taken at the hospital when she was just one day old. I didn’t love the photographer we got (we used a random photographer through the hospital). She was squeezing us in and I felt very rushed and it was stressful with the whole family there! A lot of bodies in a little room and Ryder wasn’t exactly willing to sit and pose quietly and calmly for pictures (what can you expect from a two year old?!). Blakely was awake and hungry but I didn’t have time to feed her because the photographer was in a rush. So she was awake in these pics and kinda one-eyeing the camera in almost all pics. So I was kinda bummed with how the pictures turned out but still thrilled we were able to get some! I remember not loving the hospital pics we took when Ryder was born at first, for different reasons. But now a couple of those pics are my all time FAV!!! And this time I felt like I was comparing these pictures of Blakely to the ones we got with Ryder thinking “oh, I wish the photographer would have done this or that”. Ugh, I annoy myself! LOL I’m so picky and just need to shhhhhhh!!! HA! I know I’ll look back at these pics and just melt at our teeny tiny brand new baby. She’s just the cutest and sweetest… Oh, my heart!!! 

I just LOVE pictures of yawning babies!

Tim and I LOVE this picture. It perfectly captures Ryder’s feelings in this moment. LOL The only way we could get him to sit semi-still to take a picture with us was by giving him a sucker. And even then… Look how thrilled he looks BAHAHAHA! The three of us are in love and Ryder’s just over it already LOL!

She’s such a good baby and has all of us wrapped around her finger already! Well, maybe not Ryder. LOL He’s still adjusting. ☺ 

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