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Writer's pictureStefanie Kathleen

False Lashes for the WIN!

Hey guys! I’ve had a lot of questions recently about my lashes. If I wear fake lashes, when, how to apply, etc. So I thought I’d take a second to talk about my go-to lashes! First off, I do not wear them every day. I love having makeup free days and don’t have the time (nor do I care enough! lol) to put them on every day. 

I love wearing false lashes when I’m going out or want to add an extra layer of pop to my eyes. But my goal is to always have them looking natural-ish. I love the big dramatic lashes for Vegas and other crazy nights out, but I can’t remember the last time I busted out a big, fancy pair?! I gravitate toward the lighter, more natural false lash. 

When I was pregnant with Blakely, I had major issues with hair loss due to a few medications I was on. I was so surprised when even my eyelashes were falling out in chunks! What?!? I have long, thicker lashes as it is. So I was so irritated when I had huge gaps between my lashes. I started using the KISS brand trio-lashes to patch the “holes” of missing lashes. These are great for that! Sometimes when I just want to add a touch more volume to my lashes, I will add 2-3 of these beauties to the outer corner of my lashes once I’ve finished putting on mascara. These are easy to put on! 

When I have patches of lashes missing and I want to look put together (aka not in my pjs, wearing a real bra, wearing shoes and seen in public) I wear these lashes. They are beautiful and so natural!!

A lot of bloggers love the “wispies” and wear them daily. I personally feel they are too dramatic for me. They feel heavier, long, and very obvious to me. So sometimes I’ll bust these out – but only in the evening. It just doesn’t feel normal for me to wear these to Target while I’m running errands with two kids!! LOL And honestly, on those days I barely wear any makeup at all! But they are beautiful for a night out. Give them a try! I’d love to hear what you think.

I’ve heard these KISS lashes are very natural looking because they are black and brown hairs on the false lash. So this would look super natural if you wore just this and didn’t apply mascara. Very natural looking!

Check out House of Lashes Eyelash Guide HERE. This guide is helpful to know what will look best of your eye shape. But these lashes are pricey! I have purchased a few pairs from there but never feel like it’s “worth” it to use them (because they are so expensive) so they just sit unused in my bathroom drawer! lol I prefer to put mascara on top of my false lashes (I think it helps it all blend in and look more natural) so I only use the same pair 2-3 times, MAX. I never feel guilty throwing away the other brands because they are significantly cheaper. Plus, like I said, I’m not wearing them all that often anyway, so it’s not a huge expense overall. 

My personal favorite is the Ardell Natural Lash in 110. I buy these in the 4 pack because they are my go-to. They add volume, but don’t look ridiculous! I love them. My eyes are bit shorter, so I generally cut off two pieces of lashes from each eye. (I hope that makes sense!) So they aren’t too long (longer than my eye) and sticking out or poking me in the eye! If I want less volume (to look more natural) I cut the two lashes off from the outside (the longer lashes). And if I want more volume, I cut off the two lashes from the inside of the false lash (the shorter lashes). 

I typically put mascara on, clue the false lash on, then apply more mascara to blend them together. But you don’t have to do it that way. You can put them on with no mascara and go. Or wait put the mascara all on once the falsies are attached and set/dry. 

I personally use the black lash glue. But some people prefer the white/clear glue. Total personal preference (I’ll link both below). I don’t really know why I use the black? I still go over the lash line with eyeliner again after it’s dry, so it doesn’t really make a difference. Also, some people say to put the lash glue on and then wait 20 seconds before applying to your lash line. Others say to wait FOUR minutes. WTF. I tried the four minutes and hated it. I don’t think you need to wait a full 30 seconds, but again, try it out many ways and just see what is best for you. I put them on almost immediately. I like them to be super wet when I place them on my lash line so I can still slide it around if it isn’t in the right place the second I sit it down. I use tweezers (risky, I know. I live life on the edge!) to place them on my lash line and then move it around to get it just right. I’ve heard this thing helps SO much. I just ordered one and can’t wait to try!

Soooo… What about permanent false lashes? Not my thing. I have never tried it, so I don’t know all the details about this experience. I just know it’s VERY expensive and time consuming. Two things I am not willing to sacrifice just for lashes!!!!! I love washing my face and rubbing my eyes. I’ve also heard horror stories of people having a (rare) reaction to the glue they use. Some people look great with the permanent false lashes. But have you seen the ones that don’t?! OMG. They look soooo bad. Especially after they’ve gone 4-6 weeks or whatever the time frame is that you have to wait in between “fills”. They have like 6 super long hairs left on each eye. Looks cray. Just not worth it to me. I’d rather wear them when I want them and have them look natural. 

You guys, it takes two minutes to put these beauties on once you get the hang of it. But please don’t want until you’re on your way out the door to a work event (or whatever) and think Hmmm I’ll try to do that now for the first time ever. No. Don’t. I had a friend ask me how I got better at putting them on and I told her to go to the store and get a few cheap pairs. Go home on a night you’re just staying in and play with them. Play with cutting of the lashes if they’re too long. Play with putting mascara on before or after you apply the lash. Just glue them on! Over and over. Repeat. It’s like a little middle school false lash date with yourself. Ha! I promise you’ll get the hang of it in no time. 

I’ve been wearing false lashes on and off since 2003 (when I made my first pro dance team) and I still feel like I suck at applying them! So be patient and have fun with it. But know that you won’t get better at applying them if you don’t practice. 

I love buying these online at night when I can focus (and I don’t have two kids screaming at me at the grocery store). I prefer Target, Ulta and Amazon, but you can find them anywhere! I looooove online shopping. Is it not the best?! I really enjoy putting things in my cart, looking at it again, putting more in my cart, taking things out, etc. So much fun. lol Ordering online is so easy these days. As well as returns. If I buy something online from Target that doesn’t work out, I can easily return it the next time I’m there. (That’s actually how I feel about most stores!) Return policies when online shopping is so easy. Gap, Nordstrom, Old Navy, Target, etc. They will all accept online purchases in the store to make things easier for the buyer. Anywho, I buy most things online and then when they arrive on my doorstep a couple days later it’s like CHRISTMAS! 😉 Tell me I’m not the only one?!

Here I am wearing the Ardell 110 lashes.

This outfit post is HERE.


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