So, I take to take 100 pictures to document Blakes first pony tail. I mean, seriously?! The cutest!!! 🙂 I haven’t ever tried to put her hair up and OMG. I die. The best. She wasn’t in a picture-taking mood and is so squirmy these days. She also has the hardest time opening her eyes when it’s bright out, causing her to make the cutest squishy/squinty-eyed babe I’ve ever seen. (**Don’t mind that I am legit in pjs at 4:00pm. Oh, and covered in milk, food, and who knows what else. #momlife)
Tooth and I have been in an organizing kick lately (when a hoarder marries a hoarder… WATCH OUT!) and tonight our project was to deep clean the garage. I played outside with the kids while Tooth and TJ power washed the garage. We cleaned the toys and reorganized the bikes, strollers, toys, etc. Feels so good! I swear my anxiety takes a MAJOR turn for the worse when the house is a disaster!
Today was a great day with our little fam. We started the day off at church, went out to lunch, all took naps, caught up on laundry and spent time outside together before daddy made dinner. Sounds like a fab day to me!
See… Won’t stay still. She just wants to get down and play! Which is very hard for her. Crawling on concrete doesn’t seem comfortable. She bear crawls everywhere and it’s hilarious. She will also random do headstands. Which is pretty much my favorite thing, ever. But I’m not a huge fan of this on our concrete driveway!
Those squinty eyes! I can’t handle the cuteness! I have mixed emotions about her turning 1 this week.
That pony. Stop it. She is so beautiful, she looks like a little doll here. What a precious gift she is!
I gave Ryder a new bubble-gun tonight and he was in HEAVEN!!! Thank goodness I bought the extra bubbles for when he runs out. I don’t think he took his finger off the trigger for 30 minutes straight! Ha.
This little dude. I love him so. One of my favorite pictures of him!
He was so excited to show Blakes his bubble-gun. Obvi, she thought it was awesome and kept saying “ooooooooo”. All the heart eyes.
SEE!!!! Bubbles RIGHT in her face! HA. We were dying laughing!!!! Poor girl. She was super chill about it and didn’t mind the blast of bubbles to her face. lol I love her.
Also, this bike is a HUGE bonus for her/me. I can put her in here with a snack for a loooong time and she’s extremely happy. I can get a lot of work done (unloading the groceries from car, organizing car, cleaning out car, etc) while Ryder plays and she’s happy as a clam in this thing. She is buckled in and I feel comfortable walking away from her for a few minutes while I get a few things done. I will push her around the driveway while Ryder colors with sidewalk chalk and for reals…. She loves it.
I love this little family of mine and simple summer nights like this make my heart so happy. With all the craziness life (and summer!) can bring, I really appreciate the slower and simple moments when we’re all together as a family.
Little Tykes 4-in-1 Trike HERE + HERE Bubble Gun Ryder’s Shirt Ryder’s Sweatpants Blakers Shirt Blakers leggings were made by ME! 🙂 Same print HERE! My PJ BOTTOMS + TOP My RayBans My Apple Watch – Which I LOVE
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